This chemical is dye added to textiles and fabrics to produce rich dark colors. Although this a blue dye and found in blue colored fabrics, it is also commonly found in other dark colors such as brown, black, purple and even some greens.
Avoid garments made from pure polyester, acetate blends, colored blue or dark colors like black, brown, green, violet and purple.

Wear lose fitting clothes, if possible.

Avoid nylon stockings, especially dark colors.

Before using new clothing or bed linens, wash them two to three times.

Try to wear natural based fabrics, silk, cotton, and wool. Also recommend wearing white silk underwear and slips.

Levi Strauss 501 blue jeans usually do not cause dermatitis in dye-sensitive individual.

Remove dark liners from clothes and replace with white liners.

Long sleeve, white, silk underwear can be worn if certain outer wear fabrics cannot be avoided.

It may take 2 to 3 weeks of avoiding exposure before improvement if your eruption begins.

Potential Occupational Exposures
    Work uniforms

Disperse Blue 106
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Where is it found?
What is it?
Hints on avoiding:
Bed linens
Blue dye
Cloths (especially polyester and acetate)
Garment linings (especially women's polyester linings)
Nylon stockings
Swimming suits
Tights (Spandex and Lycra)

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This information is provided as educational only and is
not intended to substitute for medical care or recommendations by a physician.