This chemical is used as a topical anesthetic and found in hundreds of over the counter medical products.
Burn and wound preparations
Corn and wart treatments
Cough medications
Ear preparations
Hemorrhoid creams and suppositories

Please be aware that if your spouse or significant other uses topical skin care products that contain this chemical, skin-to-skin transfer may occur to you. Also it may take 2 to 3 weeks of avoiding exposure before improvement of your eruption begins.

Notify your primary care physician and dentist of your sensitivity to Benzocaine. Benzocaine-sensitive individuals may have cross-reactions to some injectable local anesthetics such as Novacaine (Procaine), Monocaine and Pontocaine. Additionally, benzocaine sensitive individuals may have cross-reactions to "sulfa" drugs.

If you are allergic to Benzocaine, you may also react to sunscreen and creams containing PABA (sunscreens) and to permanent hair dyes.

Other names you see Benzocaine listed as:
  4-Aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester
  Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate
  Ethyl aminobenzoate
  p-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester
Contact Allergy Links

Possible occupational Exposures:
    Radiologic Technicians
Mouth and gum treatments
Foot care products
Poison ivy remedies
Sore throat medications
Sunburn remedies
Teething remedies
Toothache and denture irritation creams

Where is it found?
What is it?
Hints on avoiding:
Novacaine (Procaine)
"Sulfa" drugs

Possible cross-reactions may occur with other chemicals:

Contact Allergen Database

This information is provided as educational only and is
not intended to substitute for medical care or recommendations by a physician.